New music accessory: Tweedz Earbuds

20130318-214509.jpg photo by Russell Simon

An old high school friend Reed Wotiz created these awesome earbuds that look like braided guitar cables called Tweedz. They come with a few different rubber parts depending on what size you need (a big plus for me because regular iBuds always fall out of my weird small ears). I got a pair for the mass amount of walking I would be doing in Austin for SXSW this year, and they couldn’t have been better for blasting The Kinks and Foxygen. They don’t tangle up, so i just toss them in my pocket or purse and they look way cuter than those dingy white iPod ones. They sound great for such a affordable price, and can be purchased at the Tweedz website in a variety of colors:

Tweedz Website

Shirt: Hollister
Jeans: Old Navy Rockstars
Shoes: Jordan 3 Retro 88’s

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